The Show
Dave Jay’s highly acclaimed children’s show is comprised of fun, upbeat character-driven original music and a few “Dave Jay-ified” classics that kids all know and love!
He uses a guitar, vocals, a few props, schtick, and an ability to comically play off of what’s going on in the moment, creating a captivating performance that entertains children of all ages, especially 4&5 year olds.
A Dave Jay performance is always very interactive and the kids will laugh, sing, think, shout and dance the whole way through...
In fact, he has been known to thoroughly entertain adults as well, because his material always aims high.
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United Cerebral Palsy, NYC
Kiddie Academy Pre-School
Autism Society of America/Brooklyn Chapter
United Cerebral Palsey of NYC/Bronx Children’s Program
United Cerebral Palsey of NYC/Hearst Children’s Center
Mercy Home For Children
Terence Cardinal Cooke Healthcare Center/Specialty Hospital for Children
Roosevelt Island Disabled Association
Woodbridge Developmental Center
NYU Langone Medical Center
Hassenfeld Children’s Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders
Association for the Help of Retarded Children/Bronx Blue Feather
Queens Center For Progress
SKIP (Special Kids Intervention Program)
Montefiore Medical Center Pediatrics
St. Mary's Hospital For Children
Brooklyn Hospital Pediatrics
Maimonides Hospital Pediatrics
Lenox Hill Hospital Pediatrics
SUNY Downstate Hospital Pediatrics
Association for the Help of Retarded Children/Francis of Paola
Icahn House
Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center
Bronx Developmental Services/Pond Place
Bronx Developmental Services/Kingsbridge
Bronx Developmental Services/Bainbridge
Bronx Developmental Services/Metro NY
Birch Family Services/Herbert G. Birch School
Birch Family Services/Nazareth Early Childcare Center
Bronxworks/Jackson Ave. Family Residence
The Center For Discovery, Harris, NY
Kiddie Academy of Flushing, NY
Kiddie Academy of Whitestone, NY
P.S. 38, Brooklyn, NY
Sunrise Park Elementary, Boca Raton, FL
Miami Arts Charter School, Miami, FL
PS198, New York, NY
Hospital Audiences, Inc./Healing Arts Initiative
Music That Heals
Starlight Foundation
enCourage Kids